Clear trouble codes and turn off the MIL ("Check Engine" light), Compatible with Android phones

C lear trouble codes and turn off the MIL (

Clear trouble codes and turn off the MIL ("Check Engine" light), Compatible with Android phones
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Monday, August 27, 2012

Obd II Code Reader Obd2

Obd II Code Reader Obd2

It's possible all the devices like this one are the same inside, but BAFX really outdid themselves with email support that was fast (more than one response per day) and useful.

Obd II Code Reader Obd2


They remained interested even after their responsibility for explaining how to get it working was satisfied.

Obd II Code Reader Obd2

If you think they're all the same, buy from BAFX just for the service. If you think they're different, buy this one because no one seems to have problems with it.
Obd II Code Reader Obd2
My 2006 Caravan had the MIL (check engine light) on, and this device allowed me to find out why AND to turn the light off. You may have to try a few different approaches.

Obd II Code Reader Obd2

Obd II Code Reader Obd2

Obd II Code Reader Obd2

Let me start off by saying I had purchased a regular Elm327 (with the orange/blue label) off of another site previously and had a horrible experience.

Obd II Code Reader Obd2

Most of the others available out there don't work on Fords and a number of other vehicles even though they say they do. Needless to say I have a Ford Mustang and it didn't work.

Obd II Code Reader Obd2

After talking with some people they convinced me I should give this one a try and that it really works on ALL cars. I figured why not, I can always return it.
Obd II Code Reader Obd2
I got it, plugged it in, fired up Torque on my Droid phone and BAM! Sure enough, it works GREAT!
Obd II Code Reader Obd2
Even if you don't have any trouble codes to clear on your car (though it works great for that) this is a fun toy to have for any car geek. It gives awesome stats for everything from RPM/Speed plotting graphs, to 1/4 mile stats, HP info, acceleration info etc etc...... best toy for your car ever!
Obd II Code Reader Obd2